Solar solutions to reduce diesel dependency
We are evaluating vehicle use, and investigating how using solar power could help reduce Príncipe Collection’s diesel consumption.
We are evaluating vehicle use, and investigating how using solar power could help reduce Príncipe Collection’s diesel consumption.
We have a dedicated waste management and recycling team and lead regular community clean-ups to raise awareness about the impact of litter.
Waste from Sundy Praia is separated into six streams: glass…
Our Paciência Organic chocolate is made using cacao grown in our birdsong-filled agroforestry plantation.
Dining in our restaurants offers a taste of sustainability, with fruit, vegetables and herbs grown on our organic farms being part of your plate.
As of 2021, we don’t offer catch-and-release, deep sea, or sport fishing, in line with our conservation goals.
Unique to Sundy Praia’s villas, their specialised footing uses a ‘screw-in’ mechanism instead of concrete, which minimises the impact on the environment.
Conscious of the energy intensity of washing and drying linens, bedding is changed every three days and we encourage our guests to reuse towels.
To reduce single-use items, we provide shampoo and…
We focus on using local ingredients in your meals. The tropical fruit you enjoy during breakfast or in an evening cocktail comes from the island’s forests. Local fishermen catch the fish we serve, and…
During a swim or boat ride, gaze back to the waterfront and you’ll see that Sundy Praia is intentionally hidden within the beachside rainforest. We’re proud that Sundy Praia has not affected the…